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Woodloch Scouts and Friends Fall-In for “Operation: COOKIE DROP”
Over the past few years, Woodloch has become a terrific escape for visiting scout groups. They’re here to participate in our marquee events such as Scavenger Hunt, Winter Olympics, Cupcake Wars and more not only for the coveted gold medals but also for customized Woodloch badges that will soon be stitched on their sashes. Needless to say, their presence is always known- their enthusiasm and laughter buzz like a nest of honeybees wherever they travel off to.
And of course, THE COOKIES. They always seem to have them in close reach. For years, our scout groups would have some extra boxes here and there and simply leave them with staff as a “thank you” for a fun weekend (or perhaps as an underhand attempt at gaining a few more points for Scavenger Hunt… but who are we to judge?). Thin Mints became a staple in our break rooms.
As Woodloch employees, however, fresh baked goods are never really out of our reach- extra breads from the bakery are often left up for grabs to those who need it. As sweet of a gesture as it may be, the treats could be put to a better use. And those thoughts led to the creation of our annual “OPERATION COOKIE DROP.”
Throughout the “off-season” months, each visiting Girl Scout is given the opportunity to donate a box of Girl Scout cookies into our special “Drop Crate” located in our Main Lobby. Upon doing so, they receive a special gift from Woodloch as a “thank you.” At the end of the season, every last Samoa, Trefoil, Peanut Butter Patties and everything in between will be shipped overseas (through the help of our friends in “Operation: Touch of Home”) to the brave men and women serving in our armed forces. Everyone is invited to drop hand-written letters into our mailbox for the soldiers as well.
The cookies are a warm and happy reminder of home, bringing comfort to those who may be in an uncomfortable place for some time.
They’re a reminder to our protectors of exactly what they’re protecting.
“They’re a small token of gratitude… but it’s a great way for all of us to start,” says Joey Ranner, Activities Director. “I have to smile every time we start initiatives like this- our guests (Scouts and non-scouts alike) spring into action and share that Woodloch warmth with others. Our collaboration has collected almost 10,000 boxes of cookies since we started the program in 2014, and we gain momentum each year. Watching a plan unfold firsthand reminds me of how fortunate I am to work with such good company.”
If you’ve outgrown your berets, fear not- we have extra cookies available to purchase on hand. While you’re at it, be sure to fill out “Letters From Home” to give a shoutout to your heroes!
Filed Under: community, fall, reunions, youth travel