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Packing Tips for your Poconos Getaway
~Shared by Gina Spinelli
There are few things more nerve-wrecking than packing your bags for vacation. Nothing is worse than being hundreds of miles away from home and realizing you don’t have your toothbrush! You’re not alone. It is fairly common, in the rush to arrive at your vacation destination, to forget simple items like socks, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen.
On the flip side, traveling with everything but the kitchen sink can also be a major inconvenience. It’s hard to fully appreciate the décor of your hotel accommodations when your luggage seems to have become furniture of its own. Overpacking not only cramps your style but also drags down the fuel efficiency of your vacation caravan (a whole other subject in itself).
Don’t you worry because logistics experts here at Woodloch’s research facilities can help you plan ahead. Here are 3 simple steps on how you can become a more efficient packer for your next stay at Woodloch.
1. First of all, check the forecast. Before you start packing, try to find out what the weather is going to be like during your stay. If the forecast is calling for rain, you might be better off bringing your rain boots and umbrella instead of those sunglasses. Advanced forecasts are available on both Accuweather and The Weather Channel websites.
2. Next, make a list. You are more likely not to forget an item, or overpack something that you really don’t need, if you plan out a list before packing. It is also a good idea to bring a spare list on the trip with you so that no items are forgotten when heading back home. Leave some room at the end of the list for items you may have picked up while vacationing that you don’t want to leave behind, especially Woodloch’s famous baked goods!
3. Pack at the right moment. I can’t tell you how many times that I packed too soon and found myself having to take out items that I still needed in my everyday life and then forgot to put them back in my suitcase. You’re better off packing the night before your trip if you have the time, and then keep the items that you know you’re going to need in the morning such as your toothbrush and hair brush all in one spot so that you can grab them before you leave. Pack when you have some peace and quiet; the mind thinks more clearly when it is free from noise and distractions.
If you do the following and still forget an item, don’t panic. Woodloch has gift shops that have a variety of items so keep calm and relax. Happy packing, and enjoy your stay!