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Woodloch Honors Local Fallen Hero with “Folds of Honor”
~shared by Chase Borden
“Freedom does not come without a price. We may sometimes take for granted the many liberties we enjoy in America, but they have all been earned through the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many of the members of our armed forces.” –Charlie Dent
For the past two years Woodloch Springs has had the honor to host the Folds of Honor Golf Classic. This tournament brings a holiday feel to the golf course, as players come out to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Humvees were placed on the golf course and local troops came to tend the flags for each group as they entered the 9th and 18th green. The event is a miniature Memorial Day celebrated at our Pocono resort.
Each year Woodloch honors a local hero. This year that hero was Lance CPL Jacob W. Beisel of Lackawaxen. Jacob graduated from Wallenpaupack Area High School and joined the Marines in September of 2003. He was assigned USMC 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force. He had just started his second tour in Iraq when he was killed while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq on March 31, 2006. He was just 21 years old, although he did not have any children an Honorary Scholarship will be awarded in his name and will honor his legacy for years to come.
The Folds of Honor provides annual educational scholarships to the military families of those who have been killed or disabled while in active duty. Since its establishment the Folds of Honor has given 7,500 scholarships. Woodloch has since been working to add to that number each year by hosting its Folds of Honor Golf Classic.
I was given the privilege of spending the day on the course with the PGA Honorary President Allen Wronowski. Mr. Wronowski is a member of the PGA Golf Professional Hall of Fame and was named Director of Golf Development and Relations in 2014 for the Folds of Honor Foundation. We made our way around the course taking pictures with each group of golfers, Mr. Wronowski personally thanked each of the 120 players for being there to support the Folds of Honor organization and our local fallen hero Lance CPL Jacob W. Beisel.
Last year the tournament raised just under $10,000 to help fund a scholarship which went to Sean & Ryan Sweeny, son of SSG Paul Sweeny. This year we are proud to announce that we have exceeded our $10,000 mark in fundraising.
If you are looking for an excuse to get out on the golf course in the future, there is no better excuse than signing up for next year’s Folds of Honor Tournament; you will have a great time while supporting the family of a local hero.